Проект от Coca-Cola Içecek

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Айчурек Нуралиева, директор УЧР:

Hi! My name is Aychurek, and I am the Head of HR in Kyrgyzstan.

We created the Culture of Curiosity program as curiosity is one of the key elements of capacity, one of the main ingredients under CCI 3C leadership model.

The primary goal of this initiative is to cultivate curiosity in a custom-made program where 25 leaders and high potentials were selected to participate in this transformative journey and become Curiosity ambassadors in order to encourage it in their teams further.

The project was built around 4 CCI pillars of сuriosity: mental agility, being curious, inquisitiveness and a learning approach.

Except for trainings, the program was enriched with games, marathons, and public speaking. The employees were able to identify 69 problems in everyday business processes. 19 of them were mapped out by the 5WHY tool and provided with reasonable solutions.

Also, this year 36 ideas were submitted within CCI Idea programs from Kyrgyzstan, 14 of which were submitted within the Culture of Curiosity project. Moreover, one of those ideas was selected as the Best Country-New Idea, and on top of that, the Culture of Curiosity Project itself was selected as #1 Implemented Idea on a country level.


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